[KU 1020] Sub. Code: 4719 Q.P. Code : 664719
B.Sc (Nursing) Degree Examination Second Year Paper IV
(New Regulations for the candidates admitted from 2006-07 onwards)
Community Health Nursing - I
February 2009
Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks
Answer ALL questions.
I. Essays: (2 x 15 = 30)
1. a) Define Epidemiology. (2)
b) Explain the uses of Epidemiology. (5)
c) Discuss in detail about dynamics of disease transmission. (8)
2. a) Define Malnutrition. (2)
b) Enumerate the causes of malnutrition. (3)
c) Explain in detail about the measures to control malnutrition. (10)
II. Write Short Notes on : (5 x 5 = 25)
1. Meat hygiene.
2. Primary health centre.
3. Prevention and control of malaria.
4. Pasteurization.
5. Food borne diseases.
III. Short Answer Questions: (10 x 2 = 20)
1. What is the causative organism of chicken pox?
2. State the incubation period of polio myelitis.
3. What is viral hepatitis?
4. What are the contraindications of OPV?
5. Name four viruses that cause diarrhea.
6. State the classification of hypertension.
7. Mention two best sources of iodine.
8. Name two Iodine deficiency disorders.
9. Define morbidity.
10. What is the basic unit of service in community health nursing?
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